1·The driveway or the fence between you is not really a cold shoulder but a clear boundary.
2·Railway and rail transit are similar concepts without clear boundary.
3·The bushes or the fence between you is not a cold shoulder, but a clear boundary.
4·Its features are: 1. The carbonate breccias are massive and have clear boundary with a plane or wavy bottom.
5·Here, there is no clear boundary between tube and ovary and the dilated tube is filled with purulent material.
6·Results the treated tissues demonstrated homogenous coagulation necrosis and a clear boundary was shown between the treated and untreated area.
7·Acetowhitening test: 5% acetic acid solution Waicha or wet dressing, 3 ~ 5 minutes later, the local white lesions were positive and clear boundary.
醋酸白试验:即用5%醋酸溶液外搽或湿敷患处,3 ~ 5分钟后,病灶局部变白且境界清楚者为阳性。
8·Results Meningiomas of the ventricles had characteristic MRI appearances: (1) The tumor tended to be roundish in shape (8/10), with clear boundary.
9·To clarify differentia in cognition, the thesis starts with traditional position, give a clear boundary to the definition of corporate financial positions.
10·There is no clear boundary between different areas in borderline blurred images. It is difficult to segment the image successfully using traditional method.